Consett Academy

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Inclement Weather

Our school will remain open when it snows except on very rare occasions when conditions worsen so much that the roads and school campus are proving to be hazardous and the safety of our students may be at risk. Should this happen, parents will be informed through our communication app, Arbor. This message will be sent before students are notified. We will seek advice from the Local Authority Transport Section about the availability of our scholar buses and an appropriate time will be agreed to dismiss the students.

Any students with no means of getting home will be able to stay on site, under staff supervision, until they are collected by a parent or carer.

Should the school need to be closed for the whole day due to snow, all parents will be notified in a number of ways:

  • Message through Arbor app
  • Social media
  • Our website
  • Durham County Council website

Please ensure all parent contact details are up to date through our Arbor app. We have handy how to guides on how to use our communication app, available here.

Any issues with our app, please contact our main reception.

During inclement weather students are encouraged to wear appropriate outdoor clothing to get to and from our school safely. It is expected that students will still wear full uniform.

Any students wearing alternative footwear such as Wellington Boots, are expected to change out of these once inside.


New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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