Consett Academy

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More Able Programme

At Consett Academy, we support the most able learners to ensure students have high expectations within lessons, strong academic outcomes, and opportunities for enrichment over the course of their time with us.


More Able
  • Learners who have the potential or capacity for high attainment;
  • Learners who demonstrate high levels of performance in an academic area;
  • Learners who are more able relative to their peers in their own year group, class and school/college
  • Ability in all areas of the curriculum or in a specific subject/curriculum area, including the arts and physical activities
  • This also includes children who are leaders or role models and who display outstanding leadership and/or social skills.


  • Students with an innate ability, who present a natural, outstanding aptitude or competence for exceptional performance.


  • Students who excel in one or more specific fields such as Creative and Performing Arts, Physical Education and/or Extra-curricular pastimes

Dual Exceptionality

  • Students who are able, gifted or talented but also subject to a barrier of learning, such as Dyslexia, Asperger’s Syndrome, or a physical disability.


  • All students are able and are entitled to an education that is both stimulating and challenging and which allows them to progress at a rate that is commensurate with their ability.
  • Some students will be classed as MAL based on their Key Stage 2 results in the core subjects.
  • Some students will be identified as Gifted in one or more areas of learning at some time during their school career.
  • Provision for MAL students is a matter of equality of opportunity.
  • Provision for MAL students will help to raise standards for all.


Consett Academy will ensure that MAT students have the necessary opportunities to:

  • Use and develop their abilities
  • Explore their interests
  • Excel academically
  • Grow and develop in an environment where being more able and/or gifted is respected by all and that their achievements are celebrated.

Provision & Planning

  • Use of the National Curriculum, including investigations which encourage higher order thinking skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation where appropriate.
  • Extra provision outside the classroom where possible, such as a variety of clubs and activities.
  • Opportunities are provided for the children to take part in inter school competitions and musical events.
  • Activities within the trust aim to further develop the interest and experience of More Able children in particular areas of the curriculum.
  • Staff and Governors are encouraged to participate in courses and events, and in school INSET is provided (where appropriate) to raise the profile and move the school forward in tis provision for More Able learners.

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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