Consett Academy

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Expectations of students:

  • To arrive on time to both the Academy & lessons
  • To not use their mobile phone after crossing the line into the academy
  • To come fully equipped and prepared to maximise their learning opportunities;
  • To be engaged and not passive in their learning;
  • To work effectively and purposefully in a range of contexts;
  • To be prepared to share their learning and ideas in an atmosphere of trust;
  • To ask questions where appropriate – of each other and the teacher;
  • To support one another, working collaboratively, recognising the contributions of all;
  • To undertake self-assessment or peer assessment with some confidence, becoming increasingly able to apply the criteria for success and to set appropriate targets for improvement;
  • To know where to go for help and recognise that further progress can always be made;
  • To develop resilience in approaching problems and new learning challenges;
  • To be able to select appropriate learning resources to help develop their own learning;
  • To work with increasing independence, developing the skills to become lifelong learners;
  • To make effective use of ICT to develop their learning, accessing a wide variety of sources and using appropriate methods to present their work;
  • To act on all assessment, marking and feedback;
  • To use initiative and develop more independent learning;
  • Complete homework on time and to the best of their ability.

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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