Consett Academy

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Enrichment & Celebrating Achievements And Successes


We provide a wide range of high-level extra-curricular enrichment opportunities through the Beyond 25 Programme. Students get the opportunity to:

  • Enter local and national competitions such as the UK Maths Challenge and Mock Trials.
  • Trips and visits
  • Subject clubs/workshops
  • Visiting speakers and Master classes
  • Internal and external competitions
  • Revision and enrichment provision for examination courses
  • Peer teaching/mentoring/volunteering opportunities
  • Grouping of students in and within teaching groups is designed to promote differentiated learning at all levels.

Celebrating Achievements And Successes

The More Able co-ordinator will ensure that the achievements and successes of our students are appropriately celebrated:

  • In the local press
  • On the website
  • Newsletters
  • On the plasma screens in school
  • Through letters and emails to parents
  • Through assemblies and the tutor programme

More Able Provision In The Sixth Form

A personalised support scheme to support students to acquire the relevant grades for the next stage in their career


Highly skilled 6th form tutors


A series of wide and varied opportunities such as work experiences, lectures, widening participation, to experience and enhance subject knowledge and an undergraduate skill set.


Accessing University and wider expertise during the application process for research intensive programmes of study.

The Russell Group

  • Oxford
  • Southampton
  • York
  • Leeds
  • Liverpool
  • Birmingham
  • Exeter
  • Nottingham
  • Durham
  • King’s College (London)
  • LSE (London)
  • Imperial College (London)
  • Cambridge
  • Bristol
  • Newcastle
  • Manchester
  • Queens (Belfast)
  • Cardiff
  • Edinburgh
  • Glasgow
  • Sheffield
  • Warwick
  • Queen Mary (London)
  • UCL (London)

Four Prong approach to top research led university applications:

  • Skill Enhancement (Year 12)
  • Opportunities to extend subject appreciation/research (Year 12)
  • Insights and Experiences of Universities and work placements (Summer Year 12 mainly)
  • Support in pushing towards that A/A* GCE ATTAINMENT (Spring/ Summer Year 13)

Building in the students soft and fundamental skills beyond Secondary School

  •  Exploring undergraduate subject discipline(s) well in advance through Independent learning
  • Accessing National Institutions
  • Visiting Specialist exhibitions
  • Reading Relevant Current News stories
  • Seeking out leading experts ( by e-mail/ blogs/ twitter feeds/ lecture attendance)
  • Application skills
  • Interpretation & Analytical skills
  • Observation skills
  • Evaluation skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Debating & Public speaking skills
  • Time management & Organisation skills
  • Critical & Lateral thinking Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Metacognition & Philosophy
  • Interview Skills

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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