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Careers Guidance (CEIAG)

Our designated Futures Lead at Consett Academy is Katie Steel.
You can contact Katie at or via telephone 01207 507001.
Independent Careers Guidance is currently provided by Career Wave and Durham Works.

About us

At Consett Academy, we are passionate about delivering an enriching careers program that challenges individuals’ expectations about Careers and responds effectively to student needs. We ensure that students are given CEIAG (careers, education, information, advice and guidance) opportunities from Years 7 right through to Year 13. The CEIAG program of study is published on our website for you to access, and is updated regularly for you to track what is happening within the Academy for your child. Follow the link to read about our Careers Strategy. We regularly review progress against the Gatsby Benchmarks, with a formal annual review in the summer term using the Compass review tool. We also validate our reviews with an external partner the North East Local Enterprise Partnership

At Consett Academy we place a great emphasis on ensuring that students get information, advice and guidance throughout their time in the school, but particularly at key transition moments. We aim to support and inspire students with the decisions about their future.

Careers, Education Information Advice Guidance (CEIAG) is delivered through a range of activities for every student from Year 7 to Year 13. During morning tutor sessions students follow a planned programme which gives students the opportunity to examine a wide range of future careers options, learning about pathways, careers roles and Labour Market Information (information about the current local and national jobs market). Students will also explore careers within individual subjects.

Our links with the local business communities has resulted in students having a range of experience with employers. These include visiting speakers, businesses working with classes to support curriculum learning and visits to work places.

In Year 11 students are given the opportunity to participate in taster sessions, designed to help them make informed decisions about their post 16 pathway. Tutors, the Head of Year, Year Manager and Head of CEIAG support students with their applications and decisions. Outside agencies are also available to support students.

At Key Stage 5 students participate in activities which focus on preparing them for their next step. We will work with Year 12 students to arrange work experience opportunities. Students attend a Higher Education convention each year, and are fully supported by staff and outside agencies in their UCAS application. Students have the opportunity to visit Higher Education providers and speak to staff and students. For those students who choose not to continue their studies at university, we have a programme which supports their applications for Higher Apprenticeships and job applications. This includes support in CV writing, interview technique and employability skills.

Careers Advice

We have a dedicated careers advice partner called Career Wave that will carry out career interviews with Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students across the year. Their role will be to support students in the Academy by:

  • giving independent Careers Information, Advice & Guidance and Welfare to Work Programmes throughout the North East;
  • supporting students throughout their education and give them advice on next steps in to further or higher education, apprenticeships and the work place.

If you have any questions that you would like to ask regarding this then please speak to your Head of Year or visit the Careerwave website

Some Year 11 students will be involved in a 1-1 mentoring programme, provided by Durham Works, where they will be given a programme of specific support including a careers advice interviews and assistance with applying for college or apprenticeship placements. It is important for all year groups to understand what an apprenticeship is and how they can access this, for example through college or after A-Levels.

We will also offer Year 11 and 13 students an opportunity to have a mock interview which results in specific verbal feedback given and a formal written action plan given to individual students.

Careers Programme

NCDAT Provider Access Policy
CEIAG Curriculum Plan
All students in years 7-13 are entitled:
  • to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
  • to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
  • to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers and is interleaved throughout the programmes of study.

Advice for Employers and Partners

We would like to engage with employers both locally and nationally, in order to give our students, the best opportunity to understand the world of work and understand the importance of developing their own skills and aptitudes to support them as they progress through the Academy. We already have strong links with a wide number of different employers who have been extremely supportive of the work which we are doing with our students. We would love to engage more employers in the work which we have been doing. If you would like to be involved in any of the events which they Academy are running, or feel that you would be able to contribute to our Careers Programme in any way, please contact our Futures Lead, Katie Steel, email

Opportunities for Access to CEIAG

Career events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come either come into school or to events that the Academy promotes to speak to pupils and/or their parents. Please contact to our named Careers Leader to discuss possible access opportunities with details on preferred delivery style, format and possible dates. Requests should be mindful of school’s need to plan in advance, with the year’s Academic calendar set and published before the start of each academic year. Shorter notice requests are welcome to be considered. The school policy on safeguarding sets out the school’s approach to allowing providers into school as visitors to talk to our students. All requests for access will be balanced in light of the Academy’s priorities of teaching and learning, financial sustainability and equality of opportunity. Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature for the career’s advisor.

Advice for Students and Parents

If you would like to speak to someone about your child’s future or get advice about how to support their career choices, please contact our Futures Lead, Katie Steel, email
Choices at 16
Post-16 Options: T-Levels - CareerWave
Post 16 Options: A-Levels - CareerWave
Post-16 Options: Apprenticeships - CareerWave
Post 16 Options - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - CareerWave

Opportunities for Access to CEIAG

A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come either come into school or to events that the Academy promotes to speak to pupils and/or their parents. Please contact to to discuss possible access opportunities with details on preferred delivery style, format and possible dates. Requests should be mindful of school’s need to plan in advance, with the year’s Academic calendar set and published before the start of each academic year. Shorter notice requests are welcome to be considered. The school policy on safeguarding sets out the school’s approach to allowing providers into school as visitors to talk to our students. All requests for access will be balanced in light of the Academy’s priorities of teaching and learning, financial sustainability and equality of opportunity.

Durham Works have been working with some of our Year 11 students to ensure that they progress onto further education or employment. They have been providing them with information about local colleges and careers available to them. Durham Works is an important service, and we encourage all parents to go to their website to find out about the range of different services and help available.

Many families have little or no experience or understanding about University as a future option for students. We can provide extensive support to parents as well as to students.


Labour Market Information


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